
Best Bridge Saw Blade Cutting Parameters for marble, granite, and ceramic

Blades Parameters When Cutting Marble, Granite And Ceramic With A Bridge Saw

When cutting natural stone or ceramic with a bridge saw, you will need to configure different parameters based on the peripheral speed of the diamond blade to achieve a precise cut and minimize tool wear.
Suggested RPMs vary based on material and blade diameter although in general, the harder the material, the slower the peripheral speed. Finding the best setting requires continuous practice and experience.

Knowing the peripheral speed to be used, what rotational speed in terms of RPM (revolutions per minute) should I use for the various diameters?

The correct disk diameter is found based on the saw’s motor speed and the material to be cut, or vice versa, for any disk diameter and material, it’s necessary to set the appropriate rotational speed in RPMs.
The tables below will allow you to find the correct range of rotational disk speed based on the material (hence the desired peripheral speed) and the disk diameter.
Of course, the parameters below are meant to be used for reference purposes and are not “set in stone”. Based on his experience and the particular bridge saw, the operator changes them if deemed expedient.

What mathematical formula can I use to obtain the correct rotational speed of the disk (in rpm) for any given diameter?

The disk RPMs can be obtained using the formula:

n = (Vp / 2*π*R) * 60.000

  • n: peripheral spend in revolutions per minute (RPM)
  • Vp: peripheral speed in meters per second
  • π: pi (3.14)
  • R: disk radius in millimeters

For example: to calculate how fast a 900mm diameter diamond blade has to rotate to cut the marble (40 m/s peripheral speed):

n = (40 / 6.28 * 450) * 60,000 = 850 RPM

Again, the peripheral speed depends on the material to cut, the harder the material, the lower the speed. The linear cutting speeds are indicated in the headers of the tables below.

Parameters for cutting marble, sandstone, and granite

300 mm (12”) 2600 – 3200 Rpm 3500 – 4200 Rpm 1600 – 1900 Rpm 2000 – 2600 Rpm
350 mm (14”) 2200 – 2700 Rpm 3000 – 3500 Rpm 1300 – 1700 Rpm 1750 – 2000 Rpm
400 mm (16”) 1900 – 2400 Rpm 2600 – 3100 Rpm 1200 – 1500 Rpm 1550 – 1900 Rpm
450 mm (18”) 1700 – 2100 Rpm 2300 – 2800 Rpm 1100 – 1300 Rpm 1400 – 1700 Rpm
500 mm (20”) 1500 – 1900 Rpm 2100 – 2500 Rpm 1000 – 1200 Rpm 1250 – 1500 Rpm
600 mm (24”) 1300 – 1600 Rpm 1700 – 2100 Rpm 800 – 1000 Rpm 1050 – 1300 Rpm
625 mm (26”) 1200 – 1500 Rpm 1650 – 2000 Rpm 750 – 950 Rpm 1000 – 1250 Rpm

Parameters for cutting ceramic and porcelain

250 mm (10”) 2100 – 3000 Rpm 1700 – 2100 Rpm 1500 – 1900 Rpm
300 mm (12”) 1750 – 2500 Rpm 1400 – 1750 Rpm 1280 – 1600 Rpm
350 mm (14”) 1500 – 2200 Rpm 1250 – 1500 Rpm 1100 – 1400 Rpm
400 mm (16”) 1300 – 1900 Rpm 1100 – 1300 Rpm 960 – 1200 Rpm
500 mm (20”) 1050 – 1550 Rpm 860 – 1050 Rpm 780 – 960 Rpm

If you require a recommended rpm for a different size or material not indicated above, please write to us at

To purchase diamond bridge saw blades:


You can use the tables above for consultation on the rotational speed needed (in rpm) to cut a specific material.
The table only shows the most common disk diameters and materials used, but the formula can calculate the rotational speed for diamond disked to be mounted on an angle cutting tool or on a block cutter, and if you know the peripheral speed need to cut other materials, you can easily calculate the rpm for materials other than those shown above as well.
With the correct parameters and experience, you will be able to cut precisely and efficiently.
If you have any questions or doubts, please leave a comment below.

1 thoughts on “Best Bridge Saw Blade Cutting Parameters for marble, granite, and ceramic

  1. solomon says:

    Dear sir
    what is RPM for block cutter dia. 1000cm to cut granite?

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