Welcome to our blog where you’ll find ideas, tips, guides, interviews, news and product analysis for the stone and glass working industries.
Whether you are a marble or glass worker, stonemason, CNC operator or you simply want to explore the world of glass and stone, you’ll find something here for you.
Our articles are based on our own experience – as well as what we learn every day from our customers.
We want to share our knowledge with you. And we want to hear from you too! You can join the discussion by commenting at the bottom of each article.
Mastering CNC Vacuum Pods: A Complete Guide to Assembly and Maintenance
[GUIDE] How to Identify Thread Direction: A Guide for CNC machine operators
Guide to Choosing Tools for Natural Quartzite
Sintered, Electroplated, and Vacuum Brazed Tools. What’s the difference?
A guide to choosing a protectant for stone, marble/granite, agglomerate, cement, and terracotta surfaces
5 Tips to Maintain the Stone CNC Router
The definitive guide to choosing ceramic cutting blades for bridge saws, tile saws, and cutting machines
How to avoid breaking Stone CNC Router bits
I broke my CNC router bit – How did that happen?
A customer of mine called yesterday stating that the CNC Router bit he uses regularly just broke.
Why? It could be due to a manufacturing defect, but that is not very likely.
I then asked him to explain what work he was doing with his CNC machine when the breakage occurred.
The Natural Stone Specialist Cover story is about amastone®, the e-commerce website specialising in tools and equipment for the stone industry, already receives more orders from UK than from any market outside Italy.
Greenaway Mosaics chooses Amastone CNC Router
In the magazine “marmo macchine INTERNATIONAL” (May 2020 – Edition 113) the CASE HISTORY on the English artist Thomas Greenaway who chose our 3-axis Amastone CNC to create his works.
Greenaway is the artist who, together with James Elliott, created the coat of arms of Richard III tombstone in Leicester Cathedral.
CNC Tool clamping systems
Different tools also have different connections to the machine spindle, and therefore different tool connections / fittings. In this article we are going to see the different tightening techniques and tool clutches.
CNC tooling for the stone fabrication
The increasing demand of the industry for complex-shaped products in natural stone makes the use of automatic CNC machines necessary.
Today almost every stone fabrication shop has one or more CNC machines and make use of special cnc tools designed for the stone, the marble, the granite or quartz working.