
The Top 3 world stone exhibitions to attend before the end of 2019

The Top 3 world stone trade and stoneworking exhibition to attend before the end of 2019

Taking part in an international exhibition is an important opportunity to discover the news and trends in the sector, to forge new collaborations and to breathe a new and stimulating atmosphere.

If you have attended one of these fairs at least once in your life, you know very well the feeling when you go back: enthusiasm, desire for change and positive energy.

In this article, we have selected the next 3 international exhibitions about the stone working industry (including machinery and tools) which we believe are the most important and you should participate by the end of 2019.

Let’s not get lost in too much talk, let’s start immediately to see our selection!

Cachoeiro Stone Fair, Brazil – 27/30 August 2019

The fair in Brazil, in Cachoeiro, has reached its 30th edition. It represents one of the main events for the stone industry and takes place in the most important center for the processing of marble and granite in Latin America.

The Cachoeiro fair (latest edition) in brief:

  • Visitors: 16.000
  • Exhibitors: 180
  • Sqm of exhibition area: 30.000
  • Editions: 30
  • Frequency: annual

Official site for the Cachoeiro Stone fair:

Cachoeiro Brasile Fiera Marmo

Marmomac – Verona, Italy – 25/28 September 2019

The most important international fair for the marble and granite sector is still our Verona Marmomac!
At the Marmomac the entire supply chain is represented, from raw blocks and processed slabs, up to machines and technologies for processing.

It is indicated both for the small marble worker and for the large stone processing industry as well.

The Marmomac fair in Verona (latest edition) in brief:

  • Visitors: 68.000
  • Exhibitors: 1.600
  • Sqm of exhibition area: 80.000
  • Editions: 53
  • Frequency: annual

Marmomac official website:

Marmomacc 2019

Middle East Stone – Dubai, United Arab Emirates – 25/28 November 2019

The Middle East Stone Fair in Dubai has changed its date by shifting the programming to be at the same time with the BIG5 fair.

The Big5 for the Middle East is one of the most important events for the construction sector and will therefore also benefit the Middle East Stone fair because correlated in many ways to the construction. The middle East Stone exhibition is the only specialized exhibition for the natural stone and for the stone working technology in the area.

The Middle East Stone fair in Dubai (latest edition) in brief:

  • Visitors: 30,000
  • Exhibitors: 400
  • Area: 16,000 square meters
  • Frequency. annual

Middle East Stone official site, Dubai:

Middle East Stone Fair Dubai

We hope this short article has been useful to you and that you will take part in at least one of these huge events before the end of the year!

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